Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Flowers Flowers Everywhere, and Fauna Too

Flowers in the water

Shoreside display

Paul went exploring in his dinghy while we were anchored on the Bad River and returned with these water lilies for me

There was an explosion of sunflowers in this garden at Killarney

Mackinac Island was awash in flowers everywhere. These are two one of many, many gardens.

The Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island also had wonderful gardens, but we only saw them from a distance because they charged $5 per person just to walk around the hotel grounds, and if you wanted to go on the porch, it was $12 per person! Even though the Grand Hotel has the largest porch of any hotel in the world, it was more than we wanted to spend. But we were able to see this nifty carriage and horses topiary.

A pair of loons shared our anchorage.

A big heron watching over his domain

Solitary Loon

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